This month, there will be ONE lucky person who will win a Kitty Kubby-hole from!
This snug kitty kave is done in stylin leopard print! As before the only qualification is to leave a comment on this blog sometime this month. Last month’s winner was Webthistle and she was just shipped the Nekoflies cat toy.
Good luck and happy commenting! 🙂
What kitty wouldn’t love that?
Good luck to everyone–even though Sweet Pea, Woody, Chunky Lisa, Oliver, Toby, Chloe and Figaro would LOVE this….
That’s the perfect little fort for Willow. Or Oliver!
We adopted an 8 month calico from the pound last week. She was anxious and scared and said it would take her awhile to adjust. After 24 hrs she became the sweetest, most loving cat! Happy one week anniversary Princess Leia!
I love reading about all of your rescued cats, and if we lived closer, I would definitely come to you when it was time to get a new love.
What an awesome kubby-hole! We would love this…’specially because it’s animal print!!