Megan is Missing

This movie based on the events behind the disappearance of two 14 year old North Hollywood girls will chill your bones. It is the type of movie that if you are a parent with a teenage girl who has a webcam- you need to see this movie. But, in the same breath it is the type of movie if you have a teen girl with a webcam you shouldn’t watch it.

It will be released on Tuesday and I am afraid that if you do watch it the images will stay with you a very long time. It shows pure evil, Internet predators and how the most popular, richest teens can be sucked into the dark spots of the Internet.

I’m blogging about to say I hope you watch it if if applies, and I am also hoping you don’t.

Ok on to a lighter note now, I received a phone call this morning from a gentelman who adopted five cats from me a few months ago. I let him have some of my core kitties; Riley, Charlie, Cole and Stryker because he wanted good mousers for his barn. Well, my kitties have captivated his heart to the point that they are now living in the heated garage that attaches to the house- it is a 20 acre ranch house in Salem. He spends a lot of time reading with the cats on his lap in the garage. I am so thrilled because although they are suited to be good mousers, they really did live inside more than outside here. His wife recently passed and I know these cats are companions to him and will help him in his grief.

It’s always nice to hear from the adopters and find out the positive side of these cats, because even though all applicants are screened carefully, you never know if you have made a mistake after you drive away.

51 thoughts on “Megan is Missing

  1. Happy to hear the five adoptees are doing well and that they are able to provide comfort to the gentleman!

  2. I watched this movie two days ago.
    It was the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.
    I cannot believe they were allowed to use the real footage.
    It is so disturbing.
    It’s snuff, if indeed the original footage is real.
    If the footage is real, does this mean film making has sunk to new depths of adulating horror and fear?
    Disturbing. Extremely disturbing.
    I don’t think I’d recommend this movie to anybody.
    I will never forget those images.

  3. To Bilged:

    I’m not sure that was the real footage. It says it was in the movie, but the director then talks about how that part was filmed in other interviews. Either way, actual or recreated, I don’t understand how you came to the conclusion that the film maker is adulating horror and fear.

    This is not snuff. Snuff movies are filmed and watched by sick people for pleasure. That footage may have been made by some sick person for pleasure, but I didnt get any pleasure from it.

    You, from your comments, and I did not derive any pleasure from the brutal ending. You and I both are disturbed at the gut wrenching violence. Which is the exact reason I have recommended all my friends with children watch this.

    You say you’ll never forget those images. Good. If you have any teenagers that you care about, remember those images the next time one of them is about to venture out into the world alone.

    I’ll never forget those images either. I’m a retired police officer. I’ve seen footage like that too many times. That’s why I do what I have to in order to protect myself, my family, and my community.

    You can’t stick your head in the sand and hope the tsunami goes around you.

  4. From what I understand, the director is friends with police and he took nine different case files home and read them. The one he drew from was this one and the girl who died in the story was only nine years old. He took these cases and put faces and stories to them but he didn’t make anything up. They may be composites of stories, but in real life the kids vanished some were found, others were not but they did find evidence of how they died.

    I imagine for him he had nightmares about whether or not to turn this into a film-I believe he did it for the greater good and not (like some films ) for the greater greed.

  5. Im a male single parent, boy and a girl, Awesome. Thats life and they need to see it and here it. Im still in tears. It hurts…. He is still out there… we need to stop lettin are children grow up so quick and monitor what they’re doing at all times… Life has one promise… I must admit it, caused me to take a deeper look at my relationship with my children. I now spend more time with them in talk to them more…

  6. My husband and I watched this last night and it was indeed heart-wrenching. The end was extremely disturbing. The producer said the trailer was real but why would police allow such awful footage to be released for general public viewing, especially if the case has not been solved? As a parent, I would not want this footage released about my missing child. Our three children are grown and we have two grandsons, whom are grammar school age. Even though this was based on the true story of Megan Stewart and Amy Herman being kidnapped, I think all teenagers need to be monitored better for their internet usage, male and female alike.

  7. Hello, this is Michael Goi, the director of MEGAN IS MISSING. I’ve been reading some of the responses at various sites, and I wanted to comment on some of the things said here.

    There is NO real footage in the film. The movie is based on real details from seven cases of child abduction (five were solved and two were not), but there is no real footage of abducted children in the film. The movie is structured to FEEL real as part of its aesthetic approach.I did this so the audience would get personally involved in the characters.

    MEGAN IS MISSING is certainly a disturbing film. I knew it would generate some controversy. After watching the subject of child predators being turned into television reality shows which diluted the severity of what was actually happening in the world, and after conversations with a friend of mine whose daughter was raped and murdered, I felt like I had to do something. And what I did was make this movie.

    I expected the movie to generate extreme reactions. I knew that people would be shocked and disoriented after watching it. But I also knew that they would not forget it, and in that lingering memory was the hope of increasing a person’s awareness and sensitivity the next time they saw a report of a missing child, or to take a hard look at their own life and how quickly it could all change.

    On another site, I read this statement: “Right after I saw the movie, I went onto my Facebook and took off all my personal info and deleted friends that I didn’t know.” I call that mission accomplished.

    Michael Goi

  8. Michael,

    Thank you for stopping by and setting the record straight. Thank you for making this movie as well because this type of situation does indeed exist and people need to understand the dangers out there. My mother told me a few years ago that she has never been so grateful that the Internet didn’t exist when I was growing up. I was a difficult child to say the least and she had a lot of problems with me falling in with the wrong sort of guy. Thankfully, I finally grew up and got smarter, but I can imagine if the Internet existed it might have been a different story.

    Yes, you made a shocking movie but there are a lot of shocking movies out there right now. The shocking part of your movie is how truthful it feels and how my emotions were totally drained after watching it. I had nightmares for a few days afterwards. Not like the gory, T &A crud rolling out of Hollyweird on an almost constant basis; the collector, Piranha and others. There is a realism in your film and after watching it a new awareness of being more in touch with your child then you were before. So thank you for that- and I pray it continues to make a difference and save lives along the way.

  9. Thanks for your support of the movie and the message. I had to smile when one teenage girl wrote that she immediately removed all personal information from her Facebook account and deleted friends she didn’t really know after seeing the film. There are so many ways predators track kids, and one is that they study the things they blog about to detect a pattern (going to the same hangout on Tuesdays and Thursdays, mentioning the same smoothie place, etc.). Most kids don’t even realize that they’re being profiled based on what they casually write about online. and other sites have had bad things to say about the film, but I’m glad people are talking about the subject regardless. And several people have made donations to my friend Marc Klaas’ organization KlaasKids Foundation, after seeing the film. If a few parents are more aware because of the movie, that will be worth the trauma of making it.

    Michael Goi

  10. Just to let you know at work- I work at a video store- yes, they still do exist! LOL But June is my last month. But anyway, I have worked in this industry for six years because I truly do enjoy it. Customers who rent your movie are talking. One lady yesterday said she told her twenty year old to watch this movie and be sure that the kids are asleep before she did. She said the movie has affected her in ways she is still trying to come to grips with. She applauded your courage- and like me when I watched it the first time, she thought it was original footage. It shook her to her core and she is spreading the word about it.

    Sir, you didn’t make a slasher movie, a movie that spouted gore and blood and had meaningless sex (like so many of them out there) You made a disturbing, yet powerful film about what lies out there for young girls seduced online. The seduction is there, it is sinister and this film serves as red light to parents to get to know their kids better and pay attention to what they are doing with their life online or off.

  11. Hello my is alex that brings back memorys of a lil black girl from killeen texas that went missing years ago.she was taken from marlbro elementry n days later they found her on the side of the road in a bag between austin and killeen..what im sayin is that was when i was like 16 and now im 30 and that precious girls face never left my mind..i remember army soldiers serching thru our back yard n the neighbors..but now i have 2 girls of my own and after this movie i will sit with them as a father n make her delete all the boys from her facebook..and explain this can happen anywhere…so thanks! very sad n very scary hope this reaches alot of people…god bless all and please help all missing and those who lost loved ones

  12. hi,

    I saw the movie and I think its a good reconstruction of missing cases . The movie is based on real facts, photos of differents cases.

    Michael (the producer) had worked closely with police investigators as technical advisors and eventually those advisors became friends.

    He heard tales of young men and women who vanished, taken from their lives by missteps, bad luck or bad timing. What he came to see clearly was that when a predator goes after a child, the child loses. Compelled by stories of missing and murdered victims, he dug deeper into a number of cases.
    Looking around at his friends’ children, he knew he wanted to tell the story of what happens when a child steps in the path of a determined psychopath.
    He wanted to show that it can happen to anyone’s child

    You can have more information on the link below:

  13. About a week ago I watched the preview of the movie and decided to watch it with my 13 year old granddaughter that I have custody of. I was glad that I did. Where do people think these kids are when they are taken…on a visit to Disneyland? While we were watching the movie a very open and frank conversation that I am not sure we would have had otherwise took place.
    It is sad that we have to arm our children in this way, but that is the way it is. You may want to continue to turn a deaf ear or blind eye to these things but it doesn’t make it go away or help anyone. I applaud Michael Goi making an effort to bring light to a very dark situation.

  14. I have to say, this was the scariest thing i’ve seen in a while. Especially since I’m close to Megan and Amy’s age and do a lot of talking on the internet with people i don’t know. I’m smart enough NOT to give out any personal information but still. Me and my mom hate each other and after seeing this movie, crying during it, i’ll never tell my mom i hate her again and i’ll spend less time on the internet. I’m going to rethink what and who i say and do on the web a lot more. No matter how scary this movie was or how “adulating horror and fear” it was. I hope they catch “Josh” or who ever he was. And I hope Megan and Amy’s parents can have a little justice in their life. Thanks Micheal for teaching a hard headed person a lesson(:

  15. Mr Goi, I am 25 yrs of age with no kids and this movie gave me chills down my spine. I highly reccomend every parent with a child to watch this movie, it may be very hard to watch but predators will go no limits, I broke out into tears after the movie and I can’t get Megans face out of my mind even after the 2 disturbing photos. Thank you for making a movie that shows the real dangers of child abductions, rape, and murder. But I have to ask were the two photos real from the FBI???

  16. It’s really gratifying to read responses which explain how much the movie has changed people’s way of thinking, especially young people. Let’s hope the awareness continues.

    Michael Goi

  17. I am 43yrs. and when I saw this movie it hit me ; it was pretty normal …….until the end . I mean the girls not liking one girl and the weird parties and cool but distant friends it was very real . It was alot like I remembered my last year of school not exactly but close. I was in tears at the end I am so glad I stopped to day and read these notes to Michael . I saw this movie and I have felt like I was the only one it hit like this. I have talked to a few people about this movie and only one has heard of it so far . I guess people really do want to keep their head in the sand . mY boyfriend looked for it but it is not on cable yet . It never played in theaters here ….none that I knew of anyway ….. I find that very odd indeed . I think it is very needed but I will never need to watch it again ….Megan’s pics in the movie will haunt me . I pray they somehow somewhere catch this -thing- that did this to her and Amy poor Amy …..she was so sweet in the movie she really got to me ……at the end . Oh ! by the way one guy asked if those photos of Megan in the movie were FBI ? In the movie it says that someone reported those pics off a bondage website and flagged them . That’s what it said anyway . Peace

  18. hi all watched this how can a parent put these disturbing images into a film please do no not i love my children i will now monitor anthing they do on social networkin sites thank you for opening my eyes

  19. I must admit I had never before been so disturbed. I knew that there were sick people out there. I knew that people go missing and end up murdered all the time. This movie was the first to make me actually realize that those girls could be any girls. they could be my girls. that is a chilling thought. Megan is missing put a face on it and a life behind it. Whole families are torn to shreds by this type of thing everyday. I am scared, but also enlightened. Thank u.

  20. I am a horror movie fanatic. I search the world (online) for movies that will scare or shake me and never has a movie hit me so hard. I think maybe because I can relate to these girls a little. My generation uses the internet so much that we forget it opens us to a world full of Joshs… Because of the internet we not only have the predetors in our community after us we have predators world wide after us. This movie is shocking but they should show it to kids in school it might just shock a few of them out of a bad situation.

  21. Michael, I just watched the movie and thought it was captivating, chilling, and creative. You have an amazing gift to evoke emotions that We may not realize we had. I would like to know any of your other work? You message was clear and I hope that your film will cause young adults, teenagers and children to re- think thier internet behaviors. I am very curious to know the cases that you based your story on. Megan being abducted and being led away behind the building was chillinging similar to a young girl that was abducted in Sarasota that was led away the same way behind a car wash and it was caught on tape. Best wishes with future movies.

  22. this movie will haunt me for very long time.i hope it will be all around the world.i have seen a movie called srbian movie and it has scary scenes but this is scariest.

  23. Hello, i’m a romanian 23 years old girl and i was so impressed and scaried by the idea of the movie, that i gave it to be watched by all my cousins. They also are close to that age and i know for sure they are almost internet-addicted. Even i sadly think that sometimes i was maybe to easy friendly with unknown from internet, but glad that i didn’t wanted to make a serious friendship and never to meet. The impact of the movie on me was so stong that when i walk on the street i think that there are somewhere closer or not “animals” like the caracter “josh”. Congrats for the movie and lets hope it will help somehow the people around the world..

  24. wow. i am a teenage and i was so shocked it was hard to watch. im glad that my parents have always kept me sheltered. and i will definitely recommend this to sum of my more reckless friends. every young teenager should be warned. its sad that there are actually people like this in the world and htat they can get away with it and go home and sleep in their bed afterward. it makes me sick

  25. Ok first off me and my friend are both 15. We watched this thinking it would he some retarted movie like wat u see at school. After this movie. We had a long talk about how those pictures are melted in our brains. We always made fun of rape, or kidnapping. After this we literally told eachotger if we ever heard anyone make fun of kidnapping. We’d tell them to watch this

  26. This should be shown to teenagers in a controlled setting where it could be talked about and processed with counselors on hand. What an excellent learning tool this could be.

  27. found this on Netflix. I haven’t been so disturbed by a film in a long time. I don’t have any kids, but I will definitely keep this in mind for my niece and nephew when they get older. just…..gut wrenching, and the photos of Megan are forever in my mind now.

  28. my passion for this cause goes hand in hand with my passion for the pro-life movement, which i am very involved in. and i pray so hard every day against child sex trafficking. and for the healing of sexual corruption in this world. i get discouraged when my/our efforts against abortion seem to go nowhere. also a few months ago i had joined traffick911 in TX, hoping to also volunteer in helping stop sex trafficking for children. they had said it might be a while to get things going as they are fairly new. i will contact them soon to follow up. this movie gave me a recharge for my mission. God bless you

  29. Im 19, and I just watched this movie tonight and I must say that this is one of the most heart breaking stories I’ve ever seen.. there are some sick people out there . Not just the ending but also when Megan was saying how her stepfather raped her for two years at age 9. That’s terrible, eventhough stories like this make me itch to put these people behind bars or more. Great movie Michael, ill be sure to show this to my son when he is older, he is only a year and a half atm though. But this movie although graphic is meant for not only young females but also young males. I feel as though people ignore a lot of problems like these but what if it were your child? The world is too big for horrid events like these to happen to my family right? Wrong. I checked on my son after seeing this movie to make sure he was sound asleep in his crib. They say a child is kidnapped every 40damn seconds? Its almost unreal, but that’s reality right? You bring a blessing into this world but have to have a tight grip on your children just to keep them safe. I know when I was growing up at age 11&12 I would skateboard the streets until my parents got to searching on the internet and realized there were not one but 3 houses surrounding our with some kind of sexual problems. Aka molesters and what not.. after that I really realized how scary the world is and would ignore strangers trying to talk to me. Great movie and great idea….bravo and thank you, some people need to open their eyes to these issues going on around us and our families and children.

  30. ok so please tell me those pics on the fetish site were NOT really of megan and the last 22 minutes were a remake of footage and not really the footage. The movie is very misleading about this and it’s really annoying. while i think the message is important, i think that using real pics of a young girl getting tortured is inappropriate to say the least. i had to move my netflix recently watched down by opening up 50 movies just so the kids wouldn’t see it on the recently watched since it is and NR and even moving the ratings to G didn’t work. parents should always have their kid’s passwords to all their services. they should be using sites like netnanny and their own routers to filter inappropriate material. i’m not one who is big on censorship, but i do believe that parents really need to be proactive with their own families. kids will disobey, but if you know more about them there is less they can get away with.

  31. So im a 17 yr old girl and i have to say that after watching this movie (5 hrs ago) it made me sick but it is very true and needs to be taken seriously. It opened my eyes to alot of things. My best friends mom works at a court office and has to deal with related situations so shes always been strict and tells me and her daughter to be careful and will go all out and explain that rapists and kidnappers are everywhere and befor i always thought she was being over dramatic but i understand wheres shes coming from but i feel bad that she actually has to witness the real storys not just some remake footage she gets to see ppl like “josh” almost everyday and just gets to sit there and listen to them speak. Try putting ur feet in her shoes :/ its just horrible. My heart goes out to familys that have lost loved ones like in this movie :/ ( i figured out what my worst fear is now….thanks) also parents thier are alot of “scandelous” younge teenagers out there i know of plenty and it makes me sad that they are only 13 and are VERY “scandelously” active :/ so talk to them and show them lots of love 🙂 thats all they are looking for.

    Ps the cat story was cute i love kittys i have 2 and i adore them 🙂 now i gotta tell my friends about this movie and spread the word

  32. I honestly dont know why this movie had to be the way is was. It was deeply disturbing, and the images have never left my mind. I watched it last night thinking it wouldn’t be that bad. I was wrong. Who is sick enough to put images like that on film? I’m sorry but that was a bit much. I understand the importance of speaking out against Child Molesters and Internet Predators, but do you really need to have violent and disturbing images like the ones in Megan Is Missing? Dont get me wrong, the internet is not a safe place in any way shape or form. But it’s up to the parents to teach their kids how to stay safe. This movie was horrible and I know there are people out there who do things like this but Parents have to instill enough common sense to teach their kids the internet is no place to meet people. When I have kids they will be able to get online sure, but they will know the truth and how to avoid getting hurt. I will never watch that movie again.

  33. I have a beautiful 11 year old daughter who really isn’t into webcam and Facebook. She will be watching this movie and I’m going to let her read the review from this web page. I’m a big fan of horror but I must admit this was the best horror film that I have seen. Even though it wasn’t gritty and bloody just the concept of it took me to a different mind set for real. I feel like every child and parent should watch this movie so that kids these days can realize that their are predators (people) out there who are just that sick. I’m not one bit disgusted by any parts of it because it happened. My heart goes out to the family of the missing girls. Please keep making these types of movies. Everyone need a reality check these days on how much freedom kids have.

  34. OMG i just saw this film and i never cry at all and this film made my cry so hard inside that all i could do was picture my daughter in my arms and me keeping her safe cause this day and age sick people are out online under assumed names and can take any picture of anyone and use it to lure children in…THANK YOU FOR OPENING MY EYES TO TRUE EVIL!!!!

  35. This movie is the best tool out there to open our children’s eyes. I just watched this with my 10 year old grandaughter and yes she is 10 but there is no age limit when it comes to sick predators out there and I would rather she be shaken too the core from this movie than ever be in the position these two girls were in.Thankyou so much for making it and honestly it should be used as an educational tool for our children. Some people will say it’s too graphic for children but think of all the children abducted and murdered what type of horror did they see? I would rather they see and hopefully learn from this movie than live it .

  36. Im 15 years old. And i sae this movie with my sister in law. And we both made my sister watch the movie. Cause she does go on the internet and sometimes use the webcam. The movie was very disturbing. And it did scare us. But it makes teenagers realize what there doing can lead to something bad. So its good that the movie was made. So proper stop complaing that it ls a bad movie and it shouldn’t be made. Cause it teaches kids what can actually happen. It’s not sugar coating stuff.

  37. I just watched megan is missing I was holding my breath through the hole movie I had to pause it was making my stomach turn I have a lil girl who I don’t let out of my sight I can’t imagine what the parents are going through I think this is a big wake up call, monitor your children don’t leave them out of your sight there the most precoius things we have love them cherish them take care of them.

  38. Im a 21 year old male, i picked this movie not expecting how intense or emotionally compelling it would be but it had my skin crawling the whole time, its still crawling just trying to type this, especially the part where poor amy had to discover her friend dead in that trash can, i never post amything to personal online just for reasons like this, parents everywhere need to watch this just to wake up to whats really out there and stop being so lenient about what there kids post and do online, micheal you have made not just a scary movie but an intense thiller that i will definately be spreading the word, my mind hasnt been shocked this much since watching that movie kids, and dont worry abouy the controversy just means you made a good movie

  39. ive just now seen the movie on netflix with a very small description can safely say the 2 photos are not real as im you could say a high leveled video/audio tech now far as the movie for me as a single parent of 3 teens all female and 1 10yr boy i find this movie to be an inspiration for all parents with or without teens there are predators out there But,you cannot truly use the internet as the full blame i say this with full confidence as a careing farther who never once at all been in trouble with the law there are many ways to avoid them predators on the internet and there truly are ways to tell who may be one and who not to trust in full but above all this was a disturbing and a great inspiration movie for parents n teens i would truly recommend this movie to schools 7th grade&up

  40. I watched megan’s missing a few days ago and yes it was a terrifying movie it was very sad but i thank the writer of this movie for preparing me for when my daughters get older and think that they will be into those kind of things I have always been a very cautious mom because it’s just to much going on but yes that put the icing on the cake.I really appreciate the thought that you had in mind to save another childs life thank you

    Mother of 5

  41. I watched this movie about a month or 2 ago and it disturbed me for weeks. i even added the main girl who plays the one getting buried with her friend in the barrel, i told her that tho this wasn’t a real movie but it was based off of current and non current cases that this movie traumatized me in ways that has made me feel more aware than ever, not saying i wasn’t aware of internet predators but that the fact that people are capable of harming children, adults, teens in this way it sickens me, i applaud the creators,directors and actors in this film, because they did such a fantastic job on creating such a strong and very responsive film to no only its viewers, but the message itself. i let all of my friends know to watch it and most of them have said the same thing that being aware is whats important and protecting yourself and your children from predators out there, When i was younger i was walking home once to my babysitters house with her son and on the way home we were being followed by a car and if i had not ran to the babysitters house who know’s what could of happened since that car was the same car that had been suspected in kidnapping another child in the neighborhood. this day and age has become in a way more dangerous than years before, yes we have the technology now that we didn’t have years ago, but as far as internet technology, the world wide web, and social networking sites…people pretending to be people they are not….worries me and makes me feel fear for the poor people who aren’t aware of the dangers around them. i read about a case similar to this movie, based on two girls who had succumbed to a similar end. but as far as this film is concerned i recommend it for people to watch it, yes its gruesome but i think if it weren’t for the realistic nature of the film the powerful message couldn’t be heard….

    please protect your children, your family and friends against the dangers of predators whether being a child predator or any people in this day and age have become so corrupt…:(

  42. Just watched Megan is Missing last night and it sent chills up n down my spine i still can see the images n my head, The girls remind me of myself growing up and I was like Amy and i Had a friend sorta like Megan its so crazy I am happy with how the movie turned out even being a bit disturbing I belive all parents should watchs this if they have teen girls or even pre teens and maybe have there girls watch it as well to show them this shorta thing does happen and to help them understand that the internet is not a safe place… A pat on the back to all who were involved n this film…you all did an amazing job…

  43. I watched this movie a couple of months back and to say I was traumatised wld be an understatement.By reading the comments I have come to the conclusion that those two photos were not real(right?)that wld have helped me back then a bit for at least I wld have been a little less traumatised….However kudos to all who made this movie for am sure it served as an eye opener to many.Evil is real…The thing that comforts me tho when I read or watch ths stories is that people like “josh” will rot in hell.Just coz the fbi or other law enforcement agencies havent caught up with them thses evildoers should know that they will not go scot free.Allah(God) sees all and no evil shall go unpunished.No evil goes unpunished and the torment of hell is eternal(I am aware that sme people do not believe in the concept of heaven and hell but I do and like I said it offers a bit of comfort).My heart goes out to all families world over who have been affected in one way or the other plus the sweet lovely innocent children who get abused.More should be done to protect our kids and tougher laws for these sexual predator and sadists and again I say no evil goes unpunished.
    Assalam Alaikum.

  44. I watched this last night with my fiance
    It gave me nightmares. Just like previous posters have said I knew there was sick people out there but to actually watch it reenacted in a movie made me realize how careful we have to be. I wont be sleeping for a while. No movie has ever. Gotten to me like this one!

  45. I just finish watching Megan Is Missing and it is the most awful thing I have ever seen. to know that all that was based on real cases chills me to the bone.

    I have 12 year old twin brothers and now I am so terrified that something like this could happen. I would have liked for them to watch this movie but I think it is way too graphic for them, I do plan on having a long talk with them as they will be receiving their first cell phones for christmas.

    I dont think I will be getting any sleep tonight…

  46. Wow, just wow. I just finished this movie minutes ago and the first thing that popped in to my mind was “This guy is seriously still out here?” I just have to wonder why Amy never had the IP address tracked to a router and found from there. I would’ve never been alone after someone threatened me like that. Michael, I have to ask, were those pictures of Megan hooked at the table real? Those pictures are haunting my memory and I dont think I’ll be sleeping soundly any time soon. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw all of the things that happened to these two poor girls. And the ending, not the 22 minutes of footage, but the credits scenes, it tore my heart in two. To see two young girls talking about their futures and hoping the best for everything, it kills me. I wish they would have shown a picture of “Josh” at the least, so people could see this man and look out for him.

  47. Just watched this movie and I have to say a big THANK YOU! I have two adopted daughters that I have been dealing with this situation for MONTHS. Although we block sight after sight, they are just so smart they find other ones, chatting with inappropriate people with EXTREMELY inappropriate behavior. I have been searching for something to hopefully scare the crap out of them and nothing has worked as they just think we are jerks for not allowing this to happen. As bad as some may think, I am having them watch this movie in hopes of saving their lives. My situation is extreme but I think this movie may just be an answer to our prayers.

  48. I’m a horror, fantasy and thriller film fan, and I have to confess that there are very few films that actually “scared” me. I subscribe to Fangoria Magazine and there was an article about this film in the latest issue. It peaked my curiosity enough to rent it from Netflix. Now, I’m not a parent myself, but I have several friends who are. As I said, there are very few “horror” films that actually got to me to the point of “staying with me” so much that the images were forever grafted into my memory. This film definitely ranks in the top 3, if not number 1, outright-and I actually found myself crying about it later on-and I think I have a pretty thick skin. Some of the comments here by people have been things like, “This isn’t based on true events” or “This is just fiction.” People, READ the article in Fangoria, research statistics and stories. This IS, in fact, based on a combination of an incident or incidents that actually happened! Get a clue! The “photos” in the film are not real, they are obviously depictions-we KNOW that. They are of the actress “playing” one of the victims so they are obviously staged and she isn’t really being hurt. Duh! That isn’t the point! The depictions are, none the less, extremely horrific and heartbreaking and they are meant to be to make the point! The predator the actor plays in this film is a monster with a capital “M.” The scene(s) depicted in the last 15-20 minutes of this film are extremely difficult to watch, but very important at the same time. In closing, I think this IS a very important film for people, ESPECIALLY parents of kids between, say, 9-15 years of age, to see in hopes that even MORE prevention and education avenues will be addressed.

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