Is there anyone close to Ocala Florida willing to take two newborn kitties (eyes shut, umbilical cords attached) from the person who found them? The woman is frantic, she has no idea what to do and I am to far away to help her out. Please comment if you can help her and/or get in touch with me.
Has anyone stepped forward to help these kittens yet?
Can they get them to Orlando or meet us half way?
not yet, i just emailed her to ask
Purrs for the kittens ~ we hope they thrive and have the chance they deserve.
I have a very good friend; and serious animal lover, on a small farm in the Ocala area; I have just emailed her to see if she can help in any way; it is very early Saturday morning; but I will let you know if/when I hear back from her.
The ZH (Ann) from Zoolatry
Just an update; my Ocala friend is not able to help at this time; however, she is checking with neighbors and friends & coworkers… so if anything positive comes of it, I will let you know right away.