This morning I met with my orthopedic surgeon, the one that’s going to perform the surgery on my shoulder. Thankfully, it’s not as complicated as the PA made it out to be.
I will not have to deal with my claustrophobia by having an MRI. They are going to do a CAT scan so they can see the full structure of the damage to the shoulder more than they can on x-rays.
Unless there is a complication (according to him only 10% of these surgeries become complicated either during the surgery or afterward). So those are pretty good odds. This is an outpatient procedure and I will be home within 10 hours after the two hour surgery. That relieves a lot of stress on me as to what to do with the cats, the dog, what to do with the kittens, etc…
I will be in a sling for eight weeks. It is a removable sling, but they will not allow me to remove it until two weeks after the surgery. I will not be able to lie flat-for at least a month because that increases the swelling on the shoulder. There will be a lot of swelling and a lot of bruising. I won’t be able to start physical therapy until two months after the surgery. So there’s going to be a lot of variables to work around, but I feel so much better knowing that I won’t be in the hospital for one to eight days. I don’t need to give blood. They will do blood work before the surgery, but that’s no biggie, They are doing plenty of that right now anyway.
Speaking of kittens, it’s time to spay them. They are now five months old.Unfortunately, due to the fact that I still can’t drive, my shoulder is still frozen. I’m taking them to my vet. It’s going to be fairly costly. My donation button on this blog is dead. That’s how I have it until I can figure out how to remove it. If you feel in your heart that you want to help with the cost of the spays-You can donate through PayPal. You can email me to find out how:
Mary This is the only email you can reach me at from here on in.
Please stay safe and loved-