The kittens are doing splendidly. We just had a weigh-in. They are now 2 ounces plus. I have started to introduce them to Kota. Most people already own dogs, so if I can get these kitties used to a dog at least it might make them a little more adoptable.
MudBug loves to pounce on Kota’s tail when he’s wagging it-which is all the time he’s in the room because he loves the babies. I trained him long ago. I knew he was going to have a lot of babies in his future. She hangs on for dear life and it’s so funny. She looks like she’s surfing the wave.
Flash just likes to box his ears. After all, they are giant ears, and they flop, she likes floppy ears. The others are gradually getting used to him being in the room. I only do it for a few minutes at a time. Once they get used to him being in there I will ask him to just jump on the couch and lay down and see what happens if the kitties come up to see him.
I have a confession to make, I am falling in love with MudBug. I have started using the kitty couch as an opportunity to elevate my legs like the doctors want me to. She seems to understand where the pain is in my shoulder and she will lay right on the sore part. She won’t fidget or run amuck like the other ones are doing on my chest. They make me feel like I’m doing kitty yoga. I know they do that with goats, so why not with kitties?
MudBug has also discovered a new game. When I am scooping out litter pans, she is sitting in the middle of the pan watching me carefully. (I have to do everything with my left hand now as my right side is now completely immobile) and will continue to be so until the surgery in March. So it’s difficult, but it’s do-able. She’s decided to test me, Right when I get to the point where I’m shaking out all the litter to keep to keep the solids in the scoop, when I lift it up, she takes her paw and she twangs the scoop! Poop goes flying. (I learned how to duck very quickly.) It’s hysterical. I know not a good trait to have when you’re trying to find her a home but honestly, I think for her she is home.
Speaking of homes, the two homes for the other two kittens have fallen short. However, this morning, when I was getting blessed out of my socks. A friend had taken me into town, when I went into the beauty shop to say hi to the girls-walking through the door, Sabine said: “Speak of the devil we were just talking about you, Mary Anne.”
I told her I hoped it was a good talk. She pointed to the woman who she was cutting her hair and said this woman wants two of your kittens! I was brought up short, and then she added: “Oh, and by the way, she’s a Veterinarian!” I was thrilled. The two kittens that she is interested in are Soffit and Flame! She said that she will call me later and talk to me about it. I am just so relieved to know that they are going to a good home. I know this vet from a friend. I hear she’s very good. I know that she will make these kittens, a wonderful home.
I am following all of the doctors orders. I am doing range of motion exercises daily. Some of them I can’t accomplish on my right side, but I keep trying. Because I can’t drive my car right now, I am walking to the creek and back daily. The doctor wants me to simultaneously do as many trips to the creek and back as I can. So far all I’ve managed is three. Kota is always with me, while his buddy Mama trails behind. Behind Mama her six kittens follow. I am sure my neighbors think it’s a very strange parade they’re watching. I really want to do it four times in a row, however, my legs punk out on me. Apparently, during the last car incident, the doctors believe that I must’ve jammed my feet underneath either the brake pedal or the accelerator. I don’t know I can’t remember. For the life of me, I’ve tried but It all comes up a blank.
I found someone who will stay here for the time I’m in the hospital. She is a good friend of mine. She used to be a vet tech, and she’s watched my cats before in the past so that takes a lot of stress off of me. It also means that I don’t have to board Kota. I am sure he will miss me, but he will miss me less when he’s home then when he’s at the vets being boarded or being at a boarding facility. The only thing that won’t happen is Bentley will not get his pill until I get home and I’m mobile again. I talked with the vet who said that although it’s not ideal. It will just mean that Bentley will go hyperactive again because his metabolism will be out of whack.
I was told that immediately after my surgery, there will be four physical therapist at my bedside and I will go straight into physical therapy. Depending on how I do with them will depend on how long I stay in the hospital. I saw my husband be very noncompliant in the end, especially with the physical therapists that were visiting at our home. He would tell all of us that he was doing all the exercises, but I knew he wasn’t because I never saw him do any of them even the easy ones. They knew just by watching him go through their maneuvers while they were there that he was not doing anything to strengthen himself or give him more stamina. By that time he had given up.
I wanted to also thank the two people who recently sent me a donation through this website. However, I just sent my final closing forms in for my nonprofit. So I have refused the donations and refunded them. I do appreciate all the support that all of you have done for me over the years. It really means more than I can say. I am sad to put this behind me. It almost feels like part of me is missing. But it’s unfair to the cats because I can no longer do the work. Even simple things like scooping a litter pan becomes a problem. I’m learning to do it with my left hand though while watching out for MudBug and the flying poop! LOL
Nice to see Kota! Thank you for taking care of the cat family. Please take care of yourself.
I think riding the wagging tail would make an excellent carnival ride. I’m surprised more kittens aren’t involved. What good news about your friend helping out while you are in the hospital. And you’re right: doing what you are ordered will get you through this, and more swiftly than not complying. (But your third sentence states that the kittens are “2 ounces plus”; should that be pounds, rather than ounces?)