I Give Up!

On the eighth, I re-injured my shoulder. I had discovered that mud bug was wedged into the sofa bed and he could not get out. He was screaming at the top of his voice. Oh boy, don’t you love kittens? What I ended up doing was locating him within the arm of the couch, just by following his heat pattern. I couldn’t see where he was because there wasn’t a way to do it unless I opened up the sofa bed and that wasn’t happening.

what I ended up doing was feeling where his bottom was through the fabric. I took my cutter and gently lifted mud bug up. He stopped screaming, which made me feel just a little bit better because that meant that I was taking some kind of pressure off his body. As I lifted him up as high as I possibly could under the circumstances, I took my cutter, and I cut the bottom of the fabric of the arm of the couch. Silly me I was thinking once I did that all I had to do was reach in and see if I could disengage him. I completely forgot about all the insulation. Instead of feeling a kitten, I felt a thick wall of insulation. That caused more concern for me because insulation and kitties do not go together not by any means.

I stopped what I was doing,  gathered up all the remaining kittens and put them inside the cage. I moved the couch forward just a little bit and then the only way I could see getting out of this was to tip the couch forward. It was too early in the morning help was asleep no matter who I called. So I just prayed, and I tipped the couch. It was leaning on a scratching post so it isn’t like I lifted it. However, my shoulder did not like what I did. I did get mud bug out of the situation. He had got his leg pinned at the corner of the couch. The way this couch is constructed. There is actually a wooden tunnel. That’s just little enough that kittens  could think it was a cool place to hang out.I put him inside a cat carrier to decompress.

I ended up pulling all of the insulation that I could out of the one arm of the couch. There was quite a lot. My next quandary was how do I seal that area off so no other kitten gets stuck there? One of the local ladies has been dropping off these cloth  blankets. They are rolled into a tight bundle and covered with cardboard. I stuffed as many as I could into the area blocking it off (or so I hoped). I put a large piece of cardboard over the hole I cut. Duct taped it down as firmly as I could. Every bone in my shoulder was screaming at me. I ended up at urgent care the next morning.

my shoulder was so swollen. The night before I couldn’t get any type of sleep, I tried everything I knew to calm down the shoulder, but it wasn’t happening this time. Even after all they did for me the other day I’m sitting here in my chair and I am just in trouble. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but this is taking me above and beyond. Thankfully, they did not see any dislocations or brakes. But all the x-ray shows is bone. They want me to make an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon ASAP and they told me to get ready to have an MRI. I don’t like those things. So I’m gong to call on Monday and get it going. I think I’m going to surprise him when I get there because I have decided to go for the reverse right shoulder replacement. It’s not a decision I make lightly and if anyone reading this has gone through that procedure. I would really appreciate it if you could reach out to me through email and tell me your experience with the aftermath of the surgery MudBug Is fine. He is no worse for wear. I decided to leave the slit open this time because they are getting back there regardless of what I do. While it was tipped forward, I was able to really look in there and see what was going on. I think my idea would’ve worked except I ran out of blankets. Now it’s just a really nice place where they can snuggle down and sleep together.?Point for this game? One for the kitties.







1 thought on “I Give Up!

  1. As soon as you started arduous work, your shoulder was going to suffer. This is not good, but I can understand that you need the surgery. It isn’t going to improve on its own. Look up the procedure on the internet; use any word that might connect with it. Also, search for discussion groups or forums about it. That may give you people who have been through it.

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