We have been making headway with his medication. It’s come to the point now where I have to just pill him bare-handed. He’s caught on quite quickly that when I give him just a little bit of food in a saucer, he knows there’s a pill in there. I was getting encouraged about his progress but last night we suffered a set-back. At 2 AM I heard a catfight. By the time I got outside, I realized that when I had gone in earlier to feed everybody, he had slipped out! One of my outdoor lights had been malfunctioning. I didn’t notice that he had darted out.
Unfortunately , we also recently have had a beat-up ol tomcat show up. This boy is hammered; torn ear flaps, scarred face among other battle scars but that doesn’t stop him from being aggressive. I put his age out of probably around 14 years old. He met up with Bentley and he beat the pound out of him. By the time I got my robe and slippers on and got outside. They both were in a full roll! The noise was terrifying. Bentley is not up to his good weight yet. I finally got them apart. When I looked at Bentley, I knew that I couldn’t do anything for him. It wasn’t that kind of damage.
I had to take him to an after-hours vet. They determined that he’s extremely bruised and swollen. His abdomen especially was affected. I paid the bill. Which made me gasp. But I paid it and then when I got home and had decompressed with Bentley. I went and did my numbers and realized that was $26 short and in danger of going NSF.
if anyone is reading this and they have a little extra money, could you please send it my way? I’ve tried everything I can think of right now, but things are lean right here for me. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot of money but when you factor in I’m currently feeding 22 cats- money doesn’t last very long.
I can certainly tell that Bentley is feeling quite poorly. He did eat a little bit this morning. They want me to confine him for two weeks. However, I don’t need to confine him. He has confined himself. He has been in his cage with the door open ever since I brought him home he’s not moving much. I keep repeatedly going out there, looking for any type of heat coming off of him. They shaved him, but they couldn’t find any bite wounds. But bite wounds don’t show up right away. And they didn’t shave all of him because of the weather. So far, I haven’t found any wounds on him. I think it was just the fact that he’s so thin, and the Tom is so much bigger than he is, he just did not have a chance to get an upper hand
Please, if someone can help me cover this cost I would appreciate it. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot of money but right now for me it is.
How to donate? Does the PayPal button at the bottoms still work – so that I donate through that? Thanks
Yes, I haven’t had a chance to take the nonprofit information off. But I promise I will. I’m not trying to cheat. I’m just a little preoccupied at the moment.
I just donated – thanks for all that you do for the feral cats.
Poor Bentley; just when he was making progress. My computer is down right now, so I didn’t know about this until now. A donation is on its way.
Just letting you know that I made a small donation. Thank you for taking care of the kitties that come your way!