Report Time

Once again, the State of Oregon would like me to file a report regarding my nonprofit. Filing my report comes with a fee of $50. At this point in time, I don’t have the $50 to give them. I have till October 10 to come up with it.

The reason I don’t have the money is I took Kota to the vet recently.  Turns out he has to have surgery on his right eye. The vet would like to do it sooner than later. Because the growth will continue to grow. The vet wants to get it done quickly so that doesn’t happen.

Kota will go in for that surgery on October 28. The surgery is going to be expensive (as most surgeries are). But I am putting that fee in front of paying for my filing fee.

This beautiful dog saved me once again on Thursday. I was headed down the embankment of the creek to check out a tree that had fallen the night before in the storm. I slipped in the mud, I did a header right into the creek bed. The creek was dry, but it was muddy and full of stones. I could not get up. I tried so many times just to get back on my feet and all it did was exhaust me. I did have my cell phone in my hand, however it flew out of my hand and ended in the middle of a patch of blackberry bushes.

I had left Kota on my deck on a “down/stay” command. (He has never broke a command). From the back of the house to the creek is probably the distance of a football field. He must’ve heard me crying and here he comes crashing through the underbrush right to my side! (for some reason when he arrived, this phrase came through my head) “Quick Lassie! Timmy is in the well!”

It took some doing for me to get into a position where I could actually use him to get up. All I can say is while I was doing this very strange maneuvering in the creek bed, I was very grateful nobody was nearby, laughing and putting this on video to go on YouTube! I was a muddy mess and I was still crying because of the pain.

But I got it done, I got on firm footing and with his help I was able to stand up. However, I was unable to walk. With his help, I made the normally eight minute walk to the house in 45 minutes. Afterwards, I ended up in Urgent Care.

I was really upset at myself because I couldn’t get to my feet in the creek bed. I told the doctor that I was giving clear messages to my legs and to my feet to get under me and get me out of there. It wasn’t working.

After they did all the imaging, the cause was clear as to why I couldn’t get up.  To quote the radiologist who read my films: “You have arthritis that is so severe in places that you shouldn’t have arthritis in.” So that explained to me at least, why I couldn’t get off of that creek bed and on my feet. I was also relieved to find out I didn’t need a knee replacement.

If anyone reading this cares to reach out and send the money to PayPal to help pay my filing fee, that would help a great deal. I am saving every penny that I’m getting out of my donation jars and anywhere else I can find, in order to get this wonderful dog his surgery so he doesn’t lose his eye. This will be the fourth time that he has saved me since Mike left.

Just wanted to add that I now only have one working email. Don’t get me started on Comcast! My only email is:   Thanks to the kindness of a gentleman friend, The email on the donation button was changed to that address.

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