Turtle with monkey
Rain is now called “Addie” due to her “Tortie-Tude” She is no longer hiding or when I come into the room. She runs up to me and headbumps my ankle. She does not like to be petted, but oh my goodness she loves to be rubbed. In small increments daily I am introducing the two kitties together. I know it takes time, one day she will stop hissing at him. That’s when I will give them about a 10 minute play period, supervised, and go from there. You can’t rush these things, even when the kittens know each other from the past.
(Requesting assistance if anyone is able. We are $50 short on our nonprofit fee this year. Too many things happening to explain why this is. It’s just is the reality at the moment. I am hoping and praying in a few days to hear from the Big Box Store that they will pick us up for donations of cat food and cat litter. That would help immensely.
Addie will progress with her friend, and know him as a friend. Slow and steady really does win this race.
Some wet canned food coming your way! Arriving Saturday!
Our thanks to those of you who are helping us out during such challenging times which we are currently facing. We are praying for a break in the clouds soon.
Please remember; Neutering your pets makes them less nuts.